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Monday 17th - Friday 21st March
- Whole school swimming lessons - see XUNO
Friday 21st March
- Harmony Day
Sunday 23rd March
- Garage Sale - See Fundraising section below
Monday 24th March
- Curriculum Day - no students at school
Tuesday 25th March
- Parent Teacher Interviews - 3/4C and 5/6B - Bookings to be made on XUNO
- Ride 2 School Day - See Below
Wednesday 26th March
- Parent Teacher Interviews - P/1J, 1/2A and 2/3H - Bookings to be made on XUNO
Friday 28th March
- Castlemaine District Sports Carnival - 3-6 - See Xuno
Monday 31st March
- Assembly - 2:45pm - School Captains/Vice Captains
Friday 4th April
- Last day of school - 2:30pm finish
Tuesday 22nd April
- First Day of Term 2
Thursday 24th April
- ANZAC Day Assembly - Led by 5/6B - 2:30pm
Friday 25th April
- ANZAC Day Public Holiday
On Wednesday and Thursday last week the Grade 3 and 5 students undertook NAPLAN which included tests on Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. It was great to see all student apply themselves and try their best during this time. We have a couple of practice tests to be undertaken over this week for students who were absent for the initial test sessions. NAPLAN results will be released during Term 3 and distributed to participating student’s families. Thank you to Michelle for coordinating and facilitating the tests last week.
2024 Annual Report
The 2024 Annual Report is a record of the academic, social/emotional and financial performance of the school last year. The report was endorsed by School Council at last nights meeting and will be made available on the School Website in the coming weeks.
School Council
Last night we held our AGM for the Winters Flat PS School Council. Please see below the members for the next year.
Parent - Tina HELM
Parent - Julia Farrell
Parent - Helen VICKERS - President
Parent - Annabelle TUNLEY
Parent - Jill PRIOR
Parent - Dean NENDICK
Parent - Kristen WOOD - Treasurer
DET employee - Michelle CREED
DET employee - Bronwyn TRACEY - Secretary
DET employee - Helen WEIR
DET employee - Suzanne KINNERSLY
Community member - Alison WHITTEN - Vice-President
School Council extends our sincere thanks to outgoing members Bryn Davies, Helen Kaptein and Rebecca Morecroft for their efforts and contributions to the Winters Flat School Council over many years.
Working Bee
Thank you to all of our families who were able to attend our Working Bee on the Weekend. Unfortunately, the weather on Sunday was unkind, however attendees were able to complete many indoor jobs including building shelves, hanging photos and fixing plywood. Special thanks to Terry and Dean for overseeing the working bee in my absence.
Reminder - Meet and Greet Interviews
This is an opportunity for parents and carers to provide information to teachers about their children that they may not know about and how they have settled into the term. Children are welcome to attend. Bookings via Xuno or contact your child’s teacher if booked out.
Tuesday 25th March - 3/4C and 5/6B - 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 26th March - P/1J, 1/2A and 2/3H - 3:30pm - 6:00pm
Celebrations of this fortnight’s birthdays will be included in next fortnight’s newsletter.
Thank you for staying informed about the happenings at Winters Flat PS. We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in our school community! As always, if you have any questions on concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out or drop in to the office!
Ash Harvey
Acting Principal
Local Excursion & Media Permission Notes
Please return these to the office asap. If you have misplaced these forms, please see the office for a replacement.
SSB Update
The bonus can be used at your school’s approved textbook or uniform suppliers either in-store or online, or through State Schools’ Relief. The list of suppliers may include a school uniform or bookshop. Any amount that you choose to allocate to textbooks and uniforms will be valid until 30 June 2025. It will then transfer to your child’s school account for future activities. So if you don't spend it all by June then the school can use it for camps, excursions and sports activities.
Funds will roll over for use in future years if it is not all spent in 2025.
We are continuing Sushi on Fridays again this year. Here is a reminder of the steps you need to do to order Sushi.
Your child/s class must be updated to their 2025 class before you order.
- Go to to register your family
- Choose ‘My orders’ and select ‘Create order‘
- Select the date of the Friday you wish to order for
- Add items to order by clicking on the ‘tick’
- Select ‘add to bag’
- Review order and check it is all correct, then click ‘next’
- Choose how you want to pay and then select ‘submit’
*Update your billing details under the tab ‘my account’
*Pay as you go or top up your account regularly
*No minimum order or long term commitment
*Order ahead up to any time within the current term
Orders need to be made by 5pm on Thursday to ensure order is placed for Sushi at lunchtime on Friday.
If any families are having issues with logging onto XUNO, or trouble navigating the app, please contact the office.
Currently, the app gives you access to:
- Messages (send and receive messages to your child’s teachers)
- Timetable
- Calendar
- News
- Attendance (to add a reason for an absence on the day of absence, or to provide a reason for previous absences)
- Events, Camps & Excursions (and the ability to approve events)
- Payments (to pay for any camps/excursions)
- Parent Teacher Interview Bookings (ability to book)
We encourage all families to be regularly logging into XUNO, either via the website or the app. If you wish to pay for some of the events with CSEF or the SSB fund please let the office know and we can alter the payment in Xuno.
.Karen Mahoney & Kitty Ward
Bush School
Ride to School Day - Tuesday 25th March 2025
NEWS | Community Engagement & Fundraising Committees
Flower Bulb Fundraiser - Closes 4th April
Don't forget to order your bulbs for a colourful spring garden!
Orders are placed online and are shipped directly to your door. Please share with family, friends, neighbours and strangers alike. 40% of profits goes to our school, which will be put towards decobable readers and books for the library.
Order here.
Winters Flat Garage Sale Fundraiser
This Sunday folks! Bring the family to find some great bargains! All proceeds from the WF stall will go towards new readers and library books.
If you have goods to donate please take them to the office this week.
If you would like to book a stall, you can fing the booking form here.
NEWS | Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program - Copy
This week in the Kitchen and Garden..........
There are no cooking/gardening classes this week due to the swimming program.
.Cath & Terry
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Register for Castlemaine Junior Football here